The translators for your projects have been selected on the basis of:
– formal education in languages, translation, editing, and copywriting
– experience in the field
– quality of work
Needless to say, we emphasize the last above all else.
In the last year, over 90% of translators completing projects have had a university degree in Modern Languages (their source language or languages), with nearly as many (70%) having a postgraduate degree in Translation Studies, one of the most popular choices for graduating language majors in recent years.
Some are graduates of the American Flagship program, a government sponsored curriculum which emphasizes crucial languages for the 21st century such as Chinese, Farsi, Hindi, and Korean. These graduates combine a deep knowledge and study of their chosen languages with a practical focus and application, thus preparing themselves for language careers in today’s fast changing, increasingly globalized world.
A similar percentage of translators have at least five years of experience in the language industry, with half of these having ten or more years of experience.